I just looked this up and it could be x or [x]. Either works, but i use x because it looks WAY better
Because they always round things up!! Lol ;)
The symbol is §
Answer: = The symbol for Similarity is the Tilde, ~. It is NOT the equal symbol, =.
They are always rounding things up!
To round to the nearest number.
it goes up
You do not need a calculator to round. You either round down or round up. Example 3.66 can be rounded UP to 4 or 3.64 rounded down to 3
Because they always round things up!! Lol ;)
A capital A is usually used as a symbol for area in math.
The symbol is §
Answer: = The symbol for Similarity is the Tilde, ~. It is NOT the equal symbol, =.
They are always rounding things up!
You would round 3 to five You would do this because in math if it is right in the middle or something a little greater you round up!
The nearest dollar is 9. You would round up instead of down, because 55 is over 50%. At or above 50%, you round up in math.
To round to the nearest number.
Euler created the symbol.
To Round To The Nearest Of Sumthing