It means to divide equally
3rd grade math
I wish I knew what was an example of a term but, I think its a word describingsomething in math. I think. :p lol
"Numeral" is another term for "number."
this is page 70
carrying your own weightAnother term for doing your fair share of work is "carrying your own weight".
Adjacent angles are two angles that share a mutual side. This is in geometry.
Well, of course there's unfair. There's also a math term that means not fair in one word. It means "influence in an unfair way". The word is bias.
yes, "fair share" means you can use whatever available space on shared room.
there is no such math term
The math term for multiplication is PRODUCT.
"Subset" IS the math term in this case.
Ok never mind the math fair is tomorrow...
fairtrade is unfair tosikhs as they do not get a fair share
20 Years old
an amount
NewZealand has a fair share in many things like tax, and also economy. NewZealand does a fair share in the work