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24 hours.

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Q: What is the maximum hours one can drive in a day?
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How many hours can a surgeon operate in one day?

There are only 24 hours in a day, so the maximum is 24 hours.

How many hours in one day can you drive in a truck?

24 hours a day, if you don't get any sleep.

Do not drive more than hours per day?

Do not try to drive more than__________hours in any one day.

How many hours are you supposed to drive in one day?

For a non-CDL holder there is no legal restriction on the number of hours. Just be sure to pace yourself and don't run the risk of falling asleep at the wheel. For CDL holders I believe the maximum number of hours you can have logged is 10 hours, and then you are required to be "off-the-book" for at least 8 hours before you can drive again.

How long does it take to drive from Instanbul to London?

one day and 19 hours

How long is take to drive from Lexington to Seattle?

About one day and sixteen hours, with traffic. :)

Do not try to drive more than how many hours in any one day?


How long does it take to drive from Houston Tx to Hartford Ct?

About one day and 6 hours if you drive without stopping.

How long does it take to drive to Seattle from Oklahoma City?

One day and eight hours. So 32 hours with no sleep.

Is there a maximum number of hours that employees in the medical field such as RN LVN or CNA can work in one day?

In Illinois, the maximum is 16 hours in a 24 hour period as set by the Illinois Nurses' Association.

Do not try to drive more than hours in any one day.?


How long can a commercial truck driver drive an 18 wheeler in one day?

11 hours.