All but 56789 are.
Mean is the average, and median is the middle number.
When the distribution has outliers. They will skew the mean but will not affect the median.
If the distribution is not symmetric, the mean will be different from the median. A negatively skewed distribution will have a mean hat is smaller than the median, provided it is unimodal.
3 popular questions about mean,median,mode is whats the mean? whats the mode? whats the median? hope this helps
100 -56789 = -56689
23456-56789 = -33333
250897 - 56789 = 194108
7 + 56789 = 56796
The mean deviation from the median is equal to the mean minus the median.
All but 56789 are.
All but 56789 are.
To find 12 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.12. In this instance, 0.12 x 56789 = 6814.68. Therefore, 12 percent of 56789 is equal to 6814.68.
The median of 65 and 90 is the same as their mean: 77.5The median of 65 and 90 is the same as their mean: 77.5The median of 65 and 90 is the same as their mean: 77.5The median of 65 and 90 is the same as their mean: 77.5
98765- 56789 = 41976