75 out of 82= 75 / 82= 0.914634Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.914634 * 100 = 91.46%
Listing the 47 numbers in increasing value, the 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 26th numbers are 73. There are 22 scores higher and 22 scores lower, making 73 the median.
The average is 75.
Since the set of data is arranged in numerical order, first we need to find the median (also called the second quartile), which separates the data into two equal groups, in our case there are 6 numbers in each group.54 65 66 68 73 75 | 75 78 82 82 87 97The first quartile (also called the lower quartile) is the middle value of numbers that are below the median, in our case is 67.54 65 66 | 68 73 75 | 75 78 82 82 87 97The third quartile (also called the upper quartile) is the middle value of numbers that are above the median, in our case is 82.54 65 66 | 68 73 75 | 75 78 82 | 82 87 97The interquartile range is the difference between the first and third quartiles, which is 15, (82 - 67).
If final is 25% of grade and your average was 82 before final that part is 75%. So we have (.75(82) + .25 (73)) = 80
The mean, or average, of 75, 82, 93, and 86 is 84.
Life expectancy for a male born in 1941 was 65 and for females 70.
1, 73 1, 2, 41, 82
75 out of 82= 75 / 82= 0.914634Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.914634 * 100 = 91.46%
heck yea!
7 plus 75 is 82.