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As I answered in a different question, this statement is the reduction of the Seven Commandments. It shows how small, almost unnoticeable changes gradually corrupt the core ideals of Animal Farm. We learn that if people are not always careful of not being deceived, the people in power can twist words to serve their own needs. The word equal is mentioned twice, which sounds comforting, but it doesn’t stand for equality but rather a hierarchy. Old Major’s ideals were always focused on “all” animals, whether it was their comradeship or involvement in decisions about running the farm, and we see that the sentence does mention “all” but only to distinguish “some” animals from that “all”; this further clarifies the form of corruption taking place in Animal Farm.

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Tala Sadaqa

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Q: What is the meaning of the quote all animals are equal but some are more equal than others?
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To provide an accurate interpretation of the quote, I would need to know the specific quote in question. If you provide me with the quote, I can help you understand its meaning.