Sq feet is a measurement of area, whereas feet is a measurement of length.
The foot is a linear measurement. You cannot convert a linear measurement to an area measurement.
You can't. Feet are a measurement of length. Kilograms are a measurement of mass.
unit of measurement
1.71 centimeter is 0.0561024 feet.
"cubit feet" is nonsense; there's no such measurement. "cubic feet" is a valid unit of measurement, but it's a volume measurement and cannot be converted into pounds, a weight measurement.
50 Square Feet is an area (two dimensional) measurement and cannot be converted to a linear (one dimensional) measurement.
210 WHAT? Please rewrite your question and say what the original measurement is in.
182 linear feet can be converted to (not too) any measurement of length or to area (if the width is known), or volume (if width and height are known).
Acres cannot be converted to feet as they are both different types of measurements. As acres is a measurement of area while feet is a measurement of length. A proper equivalent would be square feet. Therefore, 7 Acres = 304920 Square Feet
sq feet (square feet) is a measurement of an area cubic feet ia ameasurement of a volume. The two can not be converted to each other
The measurement of 35 square feet is considered to be a small area. These dimensions are 5 by 7 feet. Converted into meters, 35 square feet is the equivalent of 3.2516064 m2.
To convert the number 11.56 into feet the original measurement must be known. 11.56 Kilometers is equal to 37926.51 feet, 11.56 meters is equal to 37.93 feet.
The measurement of 35 square feet is considered to be a small area. These dimensions are 5 by 7 feet. Converted into meters, 35 square feet is the equivalent of 3.2516064 m2.
No, It is not possible as they measure different things. Pounds is a measurement of force and psi is a measurement of pressure. This problem is similar to asking if feet can be converted to gallons.
Square feet is a measurement for a two-dimensional flat area. Cubic feet needs a third dimension, so you cannot convert one to the other.
No way to tell. Cubic feet is a measure of volume. Linear feet is a measurement of distance or length. They can not be converted with the information you have given.