

What is the metric equivalent to tons?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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1 ton (t) = 1000kg

1 kg = 0.001 t


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Q: What is the metric equivalent to tons?
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84,500,000 pounds = 38,328.5553 metric tons.

Convert tons to dry metric tons?

Dry metric tons are metric tons without moisture. 100 metric tons at 10% moisture = 90 dry metric tons. The formula is metric tons equals dry metric tons less moisture.

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An acre of trees generally is considered to be the equivalent of .1586546 metric tons of CO2. Generally the formula goes "acres of land = Metric tons of CO2 x 6.303"

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No there is no difference. Metric ton is often spelled as tonne.

Convert metric tons to net tons?

To convert metric tons to net tons (or, simply, tons), multiply your metric tons by 1.1023. For example, 4 metric tons equals 4.4092 net tons.

What is 135000 tons in metric tons?

135,000 tons is 122,470 metric tons.

How many metric tons are in 19500000 tons?

19,500,000 tons = 17,690,102.4 metric tons.

When converting CO2 emissions to tons is metric tons the standard?

The answer is yes. The EIA (Energy Information Administratoin, part of the united states government) use metric tons for measuring CO2 equivalent, therefore it should be (or is) the standard.

How many metric tons is 501.66 tons?

501.66 US tons is 455.1 metric tons.

Can you convert 19.5 million tons to metric tons?

19,500,000 tons is 17,690,000 metric tons.

How many Tons in 8 metric tons?

8 metric tons is 8.818 US tons.

5 metric tons is equal to how many tons?

5 metric tons is 5.51 tons.