How did the abacus occur?
the abacus replaced the abaci
The first Abacus (plural Abaci) are believed to have come from Mesopotamia circa 2700 BC.the Chinese abacus, called a suànpándates to around the 2nd cenruary BC and is beleived to be a copy of the Roman abacus from around the 1st centuary BC.The Roman one was thought to be a stolen, and improved Persian abacus and the Persians believe to have copied the Egyptian one.
Charles Babbage developed abacus in 1820 for information send email to
This minimum is achieved when the number is 1 (and the reciprocal therefore is also 1).
The twenty bead version, referred to by its Dutch name rekenrek, has two bars.
Before the abacus, there was no such number that existed. du
By the user moving little beads along bars . different amounts of beads stand for different numbers .
It goes by the number places.
The number 9 is the maximum number of beads on an abacus because it is the last number in the ones place before the tens place is reached.. The abacus is a tool that was used for arithmetic in ancient times. It is composed of a frame with a series of rods or wires on which beads are strung. The beads are used to represent numbers.
40 x diameter (12mm) of bars = 480mm
China invented the abacus .
How did the abacus occur?
An Abacus has beads and strings.
The Chinese abacus
no that's why its a bar.