-1.3636363636 = -1 3636363636/10000000000
= -1 909090909/2500000000
A mixed numberThis is called a mixed number or mixed fraction.
A mixed number or mixed fraction.
It is often a fraction but can be a mixed or whole number.
A mixed number is a number with both a whole number and a fraction.
Convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction, multiply by the whole number, convert the answer back to a mixed fraction (if required).
A mixed number
mixed numbers
A mixed numberThis is called a mixed number or mixed fraction.
A mixed number or mixed fraction.
It is a Mixed Number or Mixed Fraction.
A mixed number.
A number can be called either a mixed number or a mixed fraction when it is a whole number with a fraction.
A mixed number or mixed fraction.
A mixed number or a mixed fraction.
By changing the mixed number into an improper fraction.
It is a mixed fraction.
A mixed number can be changed into an improper fraction