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In practical terms, there is no mode. An alternative view is that each one of the observed values is a mode because those numbers were observed more than the ones that were not observed at all.

For example, if, after 5 rolls of a die you had the numbers 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 the modes are all 5 of these numbers: they all appeared the most often - more often than the number 4 did!

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Q: What is the mode when all numbers are different?
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How do you get the mode when there all different numbers?

There is no mode if all of the numbers are different.

What is the mode when you have three different numbers all repeated twice?

All three numbers are the mode.

How do you find the mode for five different numbers?

If all the members of a set are different values, there is no mode.

How do you do mode with all different numbers?

add all the numbers together and divid by how many numbers you added

How do you find the mode of a set of numbers when there all a different number?

To find the mode:Add all the numbers together.Divide that number by the number of numbers that you added.And voila! You have the mode. Enjoy.

What if all the numbers are different to find mode?

well they are all the mode then. however if thaat is the case then it makes the mode an irrelevant piece of data.

How you get the mode from 81 99 89 91 85 95?

There is no mode because all the numbers are different

How do you find the mode of numbers if there are no repeating numbers?

there is no mode at all then

What is the mode for these numbers 347 324 270 229 209 198 193 179 168 155?

There is no mode, as all the numbers are different. A mode is the most commonly occurring number in a list.

What is the mode for 124 212 233 272 275 286 319 360 437 501?

The mode is the most commonly occurring number, but as all the numbers are different there is no mode.

Mode 21 34 56 77 88?

Since there are five different numbers, all of those five numbers are the modes in that collection.

What is the mode of 50 94 61 72 83?

The mode is the most commonly occurring number, but as all the numbers are different, no number occurs more than any others, so there is no mode.