Square metres or square yards
It depends. It would be smartest to use miles, but you could use feet or yards. You can actually use any unit of measurement you would like.
Most people cannot convert units of measurement in their heads, so those needing an accurate conversion can find online tools at Onlineconversion and convert-me.
1755 yards.
5290 feet
There are 1760 yards in one mile. Therefore, 440 yards are equal to 440 / 1760, or two eighths of a mile. There is a measurement, most commonly used in horse racing, equivalent to one eighth of a mile, called a furlong, and so two eighths of a mile is equal to two furlongs.
The engine most NOT be running for accurate motor oil measurement. The most accurate measurement is when the car has not been running for at least a few hours and is sitting on level ground
The most accurate measurement of an earthquake's magnitude is typically determined using the moment magnitude scale, which takes into account the total energy released by an earthquake. This measurement provides a more accurate representation of an earthquake's size and severity compared to other scales like the Richter scale.
using scales and instruments
The most accurate measurement would be 3.27 grams since it provides a higher level of precision compared to the other options provided.
The glassware that provides the most accurate measurement of volume is the measuring cup. A glass measuring cup has lines on it to give an accurate reading.
26 miles, 385 yards 42.195 K
1 mile = 1760 yd 1/4 mile = 440 yd. 20-30 years ago most running tracks in the U.K had a lap measuring 440 yards (1/4 mile). Modern tracks have a lap measurement of 400 metres (= 437.4457 yd) So, 1/4 mile on a modern track would take 1.0058 laps.