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There is no "most complicated math problem" because numbers are infinite. However, on very complicated problem is pi=? because pi is a repeating decimal, it would go on forever. Because of that, we usually sorten pi to 3.1415...

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Q: What is the most complicated math problem?
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There is no such thing. Take any equation - you can always make it still more complicated, by some basic algebraic manipulation.

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"Only when the doors of perception are cleansed will we see things as they actually are: Infinite." - Aldous Huxley The density of of a black hole is infinitely massive...That's a snoozer... You want a Math problem to really sink your teeth into...try The Riemann Hypothesis... [(3x^2-27)divided by 4)] times[ 8x^2) divided by(9-3x)]divided by [(x^2+3x) divided by 6] just kidding that's simple :] the most complicated is finding the density of a black hole O.O

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By virtue of being presently unsolved, the remaining Millennium Prize Problems appear to be the most difficult. source: [See related link below for the most difficult problems. These problems have not been solved even by the most experienced mathmeticians today.

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How does a banker use math?

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How is math related to grade 7 math?

All math is related. In first grade you learn extremely simple math such as subtraction, addition, division and multiplication and in seventh grade you learn more complicated math, such as algebra or trigonometry. Math just gets more and more complicated the higher your grade level but it is still all related to math.

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