the most important thing is to change the denominators so u can make common denominators
Subtracting a negative number is the same as adding the positive version. So 3- (-4) = 3+7. The same thing is true of all numbers, including fractions. So just add the fractions like you would normally do.
It is a double negative, subtracting is essentially adding a negative, therefore subtracting would be a negative negative number, which would be a positive, my mom helped me remember it by thinking if a bad thing happened to a bad person, it would be good, if a good thing happened to a good person it would be good, if a bad thing happened to a good person it would be bad, ect.
Well, honey, two minus negative one is a piece of cake. When you subtract a negative, it's like adding a positive, so the answer is three. Math can be a real trip sometimes, but this one's a no-brainer.
"Delta" is often used to mean "the difference" between two numbers, and that is the same as subtracting. When you subtract, the answer is called the "difference."
Making sure the denominators are the same.
common denominators.
It's the same thing as adding or subtracting normal fractions - just make sure both fractions have the same denominators (by either multiplying the denominators or simplifying the fraction - whichever the question needs).
Subtracting a negative number is the same as adding the positive version. So 3- (-4) = 3+7. The same thing is true of all numbers, including fractions. So just add the fractions like you would normally do.
Addition and subtraction can be thought of as the same thing because subtracting a negative number is the same as adding it and adding a negative number is the same as subtracting it.
Common factors go into the numbers, the numbers go into common multiples.
Least common multiples and lowest common denominators are essentially the same thing. Once the denominators are the same, it's easier to get the correct answer when adding and subtracting fractions.
It is a double negative, subtracting is essentially adding a negative, therefore subtracting would be a negative negative number, which would be a positive, my mom helped me remember it by thinking if a bad thing happened to a bad person, it would be good, if a good thing happened to a good person it would be good, if a bad thing happened to a good person it would be bad, ect.
I'm really sorry I've done this before but i just totally am thinking the same exact thing!
There is no such thing as THE two fractions. There are infinitely many fractions.