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imbrication lines

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Q: What is the name for the developmental horizontal lines on anterior teeth?
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Related questions

Where is your lower anterior teeth?

The same ones as the primary anterior teeth: Canine, lateral incisor, central incisor.

What is the difference between posterior teeth and anterior teeth?

Anterior has four surfaces while posterior has five.

What is the edge of anterior teeth called?


What is overjet?

The word over jet is used in dentistry to describe the distance between teeth. Often the distance between the maxillary anterior teeth and the mandibular anterior teeth are the ones used for this distance.

What is a anterior tooth?

the canines and the teeth between the canines

Which area appears only on the anterior part of the body?

The area that appears only on the anterior part of a body include beard and teeth. The teeth are only found on the mouth.

Which teeth in the maxillary arch are bifurcated?

First Molar :)

What is the rounded raised area on the cervical third of the lingual surface of anterior teeth?

The raised area on the lingual surface of anterior teeth is called the cingulum. It serves to provide structural support to the tooth and can vary in size and shape among individuals.

What muscle is the Jagged muscle that resembles the teeth of a saw?

serratus anterior

How manY anterior teethare included in the permanent dentition?

There are a total of eight anterior teeth in the permanent dentition: four incisors and four canines.

Do anterior teeth have pulp horn?

yes.. anterior theeth have pulp horn... all anterior theeth have 2 pulp horn except maxillary central incisors have 3 pulp horn...

What is the anterior chisel shaped teeth used for cutting food?

The incisors.