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The choice marble in a game of marbles is the largest marble. It goes by a number of different names. Some call it the Anny, others may call it the shooter, masher, or boulder.

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Q: What is the name of a choice marble in a game of marbles?
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What is the name of a fancy marble?

In the 1950s and 60s, the game of marbles was popular. The "shooter" marble, which was usually larger and nicer in appearance than the normal marbles played in the game, it was called a "taw."

Are marbles name after animals?

marbles were originally made from the stone, marble. so even after people started making them out of glass they kept the name marbles. I have an old marble marble.

Why are marbles called marbles when they are not made from marble?

The name "marbles" comes from the historical practice of making toy balls from actual marble stone. Over time, the game evolved and modern marbles are made from various materials like glass, clay, or plastic. The name "marbles" has stuck even though the materials used have changed.

What is the name of the large marble in a game-of marbles?

There are a few possibilities. You could be talking about the "shooter" which is usually larger then the target marbles. Additionally, there are large marbles made for many different games such as "bowls", "carpet-bowls", and "carpet-balls."

What is the original name for marbles?

the original name is limestone, it morphed into marble through metomorphasis

What is the origin of marbles?

The name marble derives from the Greek word “marmaros” and means “shining stone”.

What is the name of the large marble in a game of marbles?

it's called a godfather - sorry it's not called this - see the following Various names refer to the marbles' size. Any marble larger than the majority may be termed a boulder, masher, popper, shooter, taw, bumbo, bumboozer, bowler, tonk, tronk, godfather, tom bowler, giant. A marble smaller than the majority is a peawee or mini. A grandfather is the largest marble, the size of a pool table ball or tennis ball.

What are the name of the large playing marble?

The large playing marbles are called "shooters" or "taws". They are used to hit and knock out smaller marbles during games like marbles or "ringer".

Is the game of Marbles a Proper noun?

No. The name of a copyrighted game, such as Monopoly, would be proper, so that when it means the game, it is always written with a capital M. But a game such as marbles, baseball, catch, or hide-and-seek would be a common noun because nobody owns the name.

What is the name of the game with marbles and wooden board?

You may be speaking of Chinese Checkers. Or mancala.

What is marbles full name?

it is Marbles Mumbo Marbles and he is a creep! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA DELETE! -KITTERLY :)

How do you value a Game Getter?

A Marble Game Getter is the name of a lightweight double barrel gun that was designed by Webster L. Marble. The value of a Game Getter can be determined by a gun collector who will use factors such as condition and authenticity to estimate its worth.