It is the solidus line that separates the numerator from the denominator in a fraction.
numerator and the bottom one is the denominator
It's sometimes known as the 'divison bar' or 'fraction bar'.
Another name for a denominator is a divisor.
Multiply the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) of the fraction by any non-zero integer or a common factor. You will have an equivalent fraction.
"The numerator and denominator are known as the fraction bar.”
The best name for a fraction that has a numerator less than the denominator is common fraction. The name of a fraction with a number in the numerator greater than the denominator is improper fraction.
An improper fraction is a fraction in which the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator.
mixed fraction
The numerator is 5.The denominator is 9.
In a fraction the denominator is on the bottom and the numerator on the top.
An improper Fraction
It is the solidus line that separates the numerator from the denominator in a fraction.
numerator and the bottom one is the denominator
There is no specific name for such an object.