There is no polygon with this name.
A polygon is a closed figure bounded by sides only. Triangle is the polygon of 3 sides and 3 vertices.
A prism has 2n vertices, where n is the number of sides in its base polygon. This is because each side of the base polygon is connected to another side by a vertical edge, and each vertex is formed at the intersection of two edges. So, a prism with a pentagonal base would have 10 vertices (5 vertices from the base polygon and 5 vertices from the top polygon).
The convention is to use capital Roman letters but it is YOUR polygon. You can refer to the vertices by number, your favourite bands, or allocate an animal species to each vertex or whatever else takes your fancy.
A polygon has the same quantity of vertices as it has interior angles.
A polygon with 5 sides/vertices is called a pentagon.
Every polygon that is not a triabgle (3 vertices), quadrilateral (4 vertices) or pentagon (5 vertices) has more than 5 vertices.
A pentagon has 5 vertices. The name penta from the greek word for five designates this as a polygon with 5 sides.
The answer is "n" If the polygon has 3 sides, it also has a Vertices (points) if it has 4, it has 4 Vertices 5 it has 5 etc etc...
It is a regular pentagon that has 5 equal sides and 5 vertices.
There is no polygon with this name.
It is a quadrilateral.
Just think