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the line is called a division bar

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Q: What is the name of the line dividing a numerator and a denominator called in maths terms?
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grade 5 maths should be adding numerator and denominator.converting deciamals to fractions.

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Yes, math is called maths in Welsh.

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Adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and measuring

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A reciprocal is the result you get upon reciprocating something, where to reciprocate is to calculate 1/x , with x the thing to be reciprocated. The reciprocal of 2 is 1/2, that of x2+376x is 1/(x2+376x). The reciprocal of 1 is 1, and that of zero is undefined since x/0 is undefined for all x. Obviously if you start with a fraction, the numerator and denominator switch: 1/(a/b) is the same as 1*(b/a)=b/a <-- Think about it as if you are dividing fractions or such. :)

Which is the maths method that zero is not used?

Zero is not used as the divisor when dividing with the process of division.

What is 22 over 9 reduced to?

22/9 is an improper fraction. Whilst an improper fraction is acceptable in maths, to change into a proper fraction, divide numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number). Thus: 22 / 9 =2.44 recurring which is 2 and 1/4th (2 1/4).

How maths originated where did maths get its name how maths was invented?

The lady who invented maths was called Charlotte Higgleson and she was born in Greece

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a corner in maths is called vertices

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The least common denominator, or LCD, is the smallest positive integer that all the members of a given set of denominators will divide into evenly with no remainder.

What are word problems in maths?

Something that starts to build up your technique of adding subtracting time sing and dividing.