829 is nearer to 800 than it is to 900 so 3829 to the nearest hundred is 3800.
3756 rounded to the nearest hundred is 3800. The digit to the right of the hundreds is the tens. When rounding anything less than five you round down. When rounding anything five or more you round up. The tens digit is 5, which means you round up, making the answer 3800.
829 is nearer to 800 than it is to 900 so 3829 to the nearest hundred is 3800.
It is 3800It is 3800It is 3800It is 3800
To the nearest hundred, 400. To the nearest ten, 380 To the nearest whole number, 375
No because it is 3800
The question contains a number with two decimal points: not valid.
3756 rounded to the nearest hundred is 3800. The digit to the right of the hundreds is the tens. When rounding anything less than five you round down. When rounding anything five or more you round up. The tens digit is 5, which means you round up, making the answer 3800.