427 to the nearest thousand is zero. 685 to the nearest thousand is 1000. Both of them added together is rounded to 1000. 427685 to the nearest thousand is 428000
-39, itself, is the nearest integer.
It is not an integer, nor can it ever be an integer. It can, however, be rounded to the nearest integer, in which case 0.1 will round to 0 to the nearest integer.
It is already rounded to the nearest integer.
11.90 rounded to the nearest integer is 12
685 rounded to the nearest integer is 685.
It's already there.
427 to the nearest thousand is zero. 685 to the nearest thousand is 1000. Both of them added together is rounded to 1000. 427685 to the nearest thousand is 428000
-39, itself, is the nearest integer.
The nearest integer to 13.5 is 14.
It is not an integer, nor can it ever be an integer. It can, however, be rounded to the nearest integer, in which case 0.1 will round to 0 to the nearest integer.
2,138.5 rounded to the nearest integer is 2,139
It is already rounded to the nearest integer.
435.714286 rounded to the nearest integer is 436
To the nearest integer, 42 To the nearest ten, 40