x+y does not equal 10, which can be written x+y ~= 10 or x+y != 10.
The statement 10 plus 21 equals 31 in total. It can also be written as 10 + 21 = 31.
x-y does not equal 10.
10 + 10 + 10
20 = 400
The answer is 100.
choose the negation of this statement. x plus y equals 10
The statement 10 plus 21 equals 31 in total. It can also be written as 10 + 21 = 31.
That statement is false, 5 + 10 = 15
x-y does not equal 10.
If: x+10 = 25 Then: x = 15
"10 + 50 = 80" is an incorrect equation.
Since 2 plus 4 is not 10, the "if" statement is false. Given a false "if", logically, 9 + 2 can equal anything you like.
Yes, but on ly if you don't say "equals 10 " at the end.
10 - 3 + 2 = 2 is a false statement. 10 - 3 + 2 = 9
You don't do anything with it. Since it has an "equals" in it, it's an equation. That means it makes a statement, and in this particular case, we know right away that the statement is false. 5 + 3 + 2 does not equal 151,022. It equals 10 .
If a statement includes an "equals" sign ( = ) then the statement is an equation. By the way . . . it may or may not be a true statement. "10 equals 120" is not true.
144 (square the first value and add the product of the two values). In the statement 7 + 6 should = 91, not 63, which would be 7 + 2.