

What is the next number 3 9 21 39 63?

Updated: 10/20/2023
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12y ago

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We note that

#1;The difference between 3 & 9 = 6

#2 ;The difference between 9 & 21 = 12 ( 2 x 6)

#3 ; The difference between 21 & 39 = 18 ( 3 x 6)

#4 ; The difference between 39 & 63 = 24 ( 4 x 6)

So it follows

#5 ; The difference between 63 & X = ( 5 x 6 = 30 )

So 63 + 30 = 93 The answer !!!!!

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Q: What is the next number 3 9 21 39 63?
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What is the Next number 3 9 21 39?


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39. The rule here is starting with the number 9, add (-6 + sequence number * 6). 9 + (-6) = 3 3 + 0 = 3 3 + 6 = 9 9 + 12 = 21 21 + 18 = 39 39 + 24 = 63

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The numbers in the sequence are decreasing by 8 each time. Therefore, the next number in the sequence is 47 - 8 = 39.

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Well 63 divided by 3 equals 21. So 3 times 21 equals 63. 21 is that number.

If 3 times w number is 63 what is the number?

Then the number is 21 because 3 times 21 = 63

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The least common multiple is the smallest number that is multiple of two or more numbers. 21: 21, 42, 63 63: 63 The LCM of 21 and 63 is 63.

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Number of neutrons = Mass number - atomic number = 63 - 24 = 39

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21. The number subtracted doubles in each succession... 63 is 3 less than 66... 57 is 6 less than 63... 45 is 12 less than 57. So 21 is 24 less than 45.

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The factors for the number 63 are 1, 3, 7, 9, 21, and 63.

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33% To find out this out, subtract the larger number by the smaller number (63 - 42). Then divide the result (21) by the original number (63) and then you get the answer (21 divided by 63 = 0.333... = 33.333...%