one hundred thousand one 100,000 ===> 100,001
It is 20001.
The series of whole numbers increment by 1, so the next whole number after 100,000 is 100,001
twenty thousand and one
one hundred thousand one 100,000 ===> 100,001
499,999 before. 500,001 after.
If you're counting down, then the next integer (whole number) is "a hundred million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-eight". If you're counting up, then the next integer is "two hundred million".
One trillion one million is the next whole number after one trilion nine hundred ninety nine thousand and ninety nine.
It is 20001.
It is 20001.
The series of whole numbers increment by 1, so the next whole number after 100,000 is 100,001
The number that comes after nine hundred and ninety-nine is one thousand. In numerical order, after reaching the highest single-digit number (9), the next number is ten (10), which is followed by the next hundred (100) and then the next thousand (1,000).
It is 100 followed by 101