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Q: What is the number 44.978942 correct to three decimal places?
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5.6715 is correct to 4 decimal places

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When you have to get a number correct to X decimal places, you look at the number in X+1 place. If that number is 5 or more you add 1 to the number in X place, otherwise you leave the number in X place as it is. So, 5.9829 correct to three decimal places is 5.983,And, 5.982 correct to two decimal places is 5.89

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The correct answer is 6.67

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The correct answer depends on what is known about the number 2610. If it is known to be correct to 3 significant figures, the correct answer is 2620. If it is known to be correct to 4 significant figures, the correct answer is 2622. If all the numbers are known to be accurate to at least 2 decimal places then the correct answer is 2621.92

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The correct answer is five decimal places.

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There will be five decimal places.

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5.2g When you add or subtract using significant figures, you round the answer to the fewest number of decimal places as the measurement with the fewest decimal places.

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To find the number of decimal places in a product of decimal numbers, add up the total number of decimal places in each of the factors. For example, if you have 2.5 multiplied by 4.75, there are two decimal places in 2.5 and two decimal places in 4.75, so the product will have a total of four decimal places.

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