450 is half way between 300 and 600.
304.7? 307.4? 322.4567? Or did you simply mean 347?
If you're asking what the middle number is (also called the average), then the answer is 325.
525 is halfway between 350 and 700.
It is: (300+400)/2 = 350
350 It is 50 more than 300 and 50 less than 400 To find a halfway point (which is also the average), add the numbers together and divide by 2.
450 is half way between 300 and 600.
It is 350
304.7? 307.4? 322.4567? Or did you simply mean 347?
300.7479, 301.7479, 325.2547351613272312539
Between 300-350 dollars in the condition that you describe.
Between 300 and 350.
350 + 300 = 650