To write the number sixty-eight in ones, you would write it as "68." This is because the digit 6 represents six tens, and the digit 8 represents eight ones. When combined, they form the number 68, which is read as sixty-eight.
Sixty eight.
Sixty and sixty-eight thousandths can be written as 60.068 in decimal form. In this representation, the number 60 represents the whole number part, the digit 0 represents the tenths place, the digit 6 represents the hundredths place, and the digit 8 represents the thousandths place. This number falls between 60 and 61 on the number line.
twelve million sixty eight thousands and seven hundard and fifteen
To write the number sixty-eight in ones, you would write it as "68." This is because the digit 6 represents six tens, and the digit 8 represents eight ones. When combined, they form the number 68, which is read as sixty-eight.
The number 76 is "seventy-six."
sixty-eight 68 x 1 = 68
The number 268 is "two hundred sixty-eight." (As a year or address it may be spoke "two sixty-eight.")
The number 268 is "two hundred sixty-eight." (As a year or address it may be spoke "two sixty-eight.")
sixty eight and eight hundred thirty thousand =830068sixty eight = 68eight hundred thirty thousand = 83000068 + 830000 = 830068
The number 1864 is one thousand eight hundred sixty-four. The year 1864 is "eighteen sixty-four."
eight hundred sixty-eight thousand, five.
Sixty eight.
one hundred sixty four ones and thirty eight hundredths
The number 864 is "eight hundred sixty-four."