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Neptune has 13 natural satellites (or moons).

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Q: What is the number of Neptune's natural satellites?
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Which palnets has largest number of natural satellites or moons?

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Mercury has no natural satellites.

What is the number of natural satellites Mars has?

Two natural satellites. Phobos and Deimos. There is as well three manmade satellites: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, 2001: Mars Odyssey and Mars Express.

Do Jupiter and Saturn have natural satellites?

Yes they do have natural satellites.

Are earth satellites only scientific satellites?

No. The earth has one natural satellite ... the moon ... and any number of other satellites whose primary purpose is not scientific (e.g. communication satellites).

Were robots or satellites found on uranus?

Uranus has a number of natural satellites (moons). Anything else you've heard is a hoax.

Number of satellites of the Earth?

If you are refering to natural satellites there is only one and that is the moon. If you are refering to artificial satellites there are heaps. Military, GPS and mobile just to name a few catagorys of satillites. Hope that helped.

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Venus does not have any natural satellites.

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Venus has no known natural satellites or moons.