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There are 16 trials.

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Q: What is the number of trials in a binomial distribution that has a mean of 8 and a standard deviation of 2?
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Poisson distribution the mean and standard deviation?

The Poisson distribution is a discrete distribution, with random variable k, related to the number events. The discrete probability function (probability mass function) is given as: f(k; L) where L (lambda) is the mean and square root of lambda is the standard deviation, as given in the link below:

How many experimental outcomes are possible for the binomial and the Poisson distributions?

The binomial distribution is a discrete probability distribution. The number of possible outcomes depends on the number of possible successes in a given trial. For the Poisson distribution there are Infinitely many.

How can you approximate a binomial distribution to a poison distribution when the number of binomial trials became large enough?

The Poisson distribution with parameter np will be a good approximation for the binomial distribution with parameters n and p when n is large and p is small. For more details See related link below

Annualized standard deviation? Deviation -Standard Deviation measures the dispersal or uncertainty in a random variable (in this case, investment returns). It measures the degree of variation of returns around the mean (average) return. The higher the volatility of the investment returns, the higher the standard deviation will be. For this reason, standard deviation is often used as a measure of investment risk. Where R I = Return for period I Where M R = Mean of return set R Where N = Number of Periods N M R = ( S R I ) ¸ N I=1 N Standard Deviation = ( S ( R I - M R ) 2 ¸ (N - 1) ) ½ I = 1Annualized Standard DeviationAnnualized Standard Deviation = Monthly Standard Deviation ´ ( 12 ) ½ Annualized Standard Deviation *= Quarterly Standard Deviation ´ ( 4 ) ½ * Quarterly Data

What does plus or minus a standard deviation of 17 cm mean?

It refers to some variable whose distribution has got some mean and the measure of its spread is a standradr deviation of 17 cm. If the distribution is Normal (or approximately so), then the interval from the mean measure minus 17 cm to the mean plus 17 cm will contain approx 68% of the total number of observations.

Related questions

What is the difference between a general normal curve and a standard normal curve?

A standard normal distribution has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 1. A normal distribution can have any real number as a mean and the standard deviation must be greater than zero.

Will increasing the frequency of scores in the tails of a distribution effect the standard deviation How or Why?

Yes. It will increase the standard deviation. You are increasing the number of events that are further away from the mean, and the standard deviation is a measure of how far away the events are from the mean.

In a standard normal distribution what is the value of the mean and standard deviation?

idk about normal distribution but for Mean "M" = (overall sum of "x") / "n" frequency distribution: 'M' = Overall sum of (' x ' * ' f ') / overall sum of ( ' f ' ) M = Mean x = Mid Point f = frequiency n = number of variables ALL FOR STANDARD DEVIATION * * * * * A general Normal distribution is usually described in terms of its parameters, and given as N(mu, sigma2) where mu is the mean and sigma is the standard deviation. The STANDARD Normal distribution is the N(0, 1) distribution, that is, it has mean = 0 and variance (or standard deviation) = 1.

Why is binomial distribution important?

Binomial distribution is the basis for the binomial test of statistical significance. It is frequently used to model the number of successes in a sequence of yes or no experiments.

What is the mean and standard deviations and the standard normal distribution?

Mean is the average, sum total divided by total number of data entries. Standard deviation is the square root of the sum total of the data values divided by the total number of data values. The standard normal distribution is a distribution that closely resembles a bell curve.

What is the shape of the binomial probability distribution in rolling a die?

The distribution depends on what the variable is. If the key outcome is the number on the top of the die, the distribution in multinomial (6-valued), not binomial. If the key outcome is the number of primes, composite or neither, the distribution is trinomial. If the key outcome is the number of sixes, the distribution is binomial with unequal probabilities of success and failure. If the key outcome is odd or even the distribution is binomial with equal probabilities for the two outcomes. Thus, depending on the outcome of interest the distribution may or may not be binomial and, even when it is binomial, it can have different parameters and therefore different shapes.

What is the standard deviation of 9?

You need more than one number to calculate a standard deviation, so 9 does not have a standard deviation.

What does a standard deviation of 0 tell you?

The smaller the standard deviation, the closer together the data is. A standard deviation of 0 tells you that every number is the same.

If there is a test of 12 true false questions and all answers are guessed what is the mean and standard deviation of correct answers?

We'll assume reasonably that you get a correct answer with probability 0.5. Then the context implies that the number of correct answers is a sum of 12 Bernoulli random variables with p=0.5, which becomes a Binomial distribution with n=12 and p=0.5. Formally: Y(i)~Ber(0.5) => X = Y(1) + ... + Y(12) => X~Bin(12,0.5) The mean for a Binomial distribution is n*p, hence E(X)=12*0.5=6. The variance for a Binomial distribution is n*p*(1-p), hence Var(X)=12*0.5*0.5=3. The standard deviation is calculated as the square root of the variance so SD(X)=3^0.5=1.732.

Poisson distribution the mean and standard deviation?

The Poisson distribution is a discrete distribution, with random variable k, related to the number events. The discrete probability function (probability mass function) is given as: f(k; L) where L (lambda) is the mean and square root of lambda is the standard deviation, as given in the link below:

How many experimental outcomes are possible for the binomial and the Poisson distributions?

The binomial distribution is a discrete probability distribution. The number of possible outcomes depends on the number of possible successes in a given trial. For the Poisson distribution there are Infinitely many.

How do you find highest standard deviation in given number?

Standard deviations are measures of data distributions. Therefore, a single number cannot have meaningful standard deviation.