The number which is 1000 less in value than the number 78000 would be 77000.
no it can notAnother AnswerThis is not true. Every positive number is equal to its absolute value. Every negative number will be smaller than its absolute value.
The whole number form an infinite set.The natural numbers less than 100000 form a finite set(either 99999 or 100000 members, depending on whether 0 is considered a natural number).The letter of the alphabet form a finite set (26 members for the English alphabet).The odd numbers form an infinite set.
A) If a number has two digits, then the sum of its digits is less than the value of the original two-digit number.
The absolute value of a number IS its distance from zero: not greater nor less than it.
n = 1547298 - 100000
1447298 Ans = 1547298 - 100000
It is 2084765.
what is the value of a 100000 reichsbanknote sunderttaulend mark 1 february 1923? I have one of these bills that is less than perfect condition. Thank you Becky
Answer: 550780650780 - 100000 = 550780