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The opposite of lowest is highest. Just like how the opposite of low is high.

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Q: What is the opposite of lowest?
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What is meant by the lowest?

It's the opposite of the highest

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Soprano is the highest female voice. The opposite range, the lowest male voice, is bass

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The opposite of crest in a wave is the trough. The crest is the highest point of a wave, while the trough is the lowest point.

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A baron is a male who holds the lowest title of nobility in the systems of Europe. The opposite gender for baron is baroness.

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No, Britain does not have the lowest crime rate in the world. Quite the opposite infact, Britain is ranked as having one of the highest crime rates in the world.

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The usual opposite (especially in graphs) is a peak. (crest, apex, summit)But for a geographic valley, it is not necessarily the lowest point, so opposites could be either hill or mountain.

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The lowest point between the crests of a wave is called the trough. It is the lowest point of displacement in the wave, opposite to the peak of the wave's crest. Troughs are important in understanding the overall shape and behavior of waves.

What does LCM mean in maths terms?

it means lowest common multiple. the opposite to it is hcf or highest common factor ^_^

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The fraction 75/100 is equivalent to 3/4 in its lowest terms or 0.75 as a decimal

The opposite of lower?

If you're talking about "lower" as the comparative of the adjective low (low, lower, lowest) the opposite would be "higher". If however you mean the verb "to lower" an adequate opposite to use would be "to raise".

Which solid element has the highest density?

Osmium is the solid element that has the highest density. Opposite of osmium is hydrogen which has the lowest density.