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.05% or 1/20th of a percent

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Q: What is the percentage of interest when the principal is 3500.00 the term is 3 months and the interest paid is 525.00?
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How much does 2.5 billion dollars receive on 2.5 interest rate?

Over what period of time? It obviously depends on how long the money is earning interest, whether the interest rate is the annual interest rate, and whether it is compounded at intermediate periods during the year. For the purposes of this question it is probably reasonable to assume you are interested in how much interest it earns over a period of 1 year without compounding.$2,500,000,000 ($2.5 Billion), at the ANNUAL rate of 2.5%, for the period of one year, equals an amount of $62,500,000The formula for interest isInterest = Principal x Rate x TimeIf you are investing for under a year your time needs to be expressed as a decimal or a fraction. If the APR (annual percentage rate) is 2.5% then the effective Monthly percentage rate would be 2.5%/12 = 0.208333% or 5/24 %. At that rate you would earn about $5,208,333 in one month. If the APR is 2.5% and is compounded monthly, the formula would beInterest = Principal x ((1 + APR/12)n-1) = Principal x ((1.00208)n-1)where "n" is the number of months the principal is left to earn interest.By that formula the interest would be1 month $5. 208,3332 months $10,427,5173 months $15,657,5754 months $20,898,5285 months $26,150,4006 months $31,413,2137 months $36,686,9918 months $41,971,7559 months $47,267,53010 months $52,574,33711 months $57,892,20012 months $63,221,142 (1 year)The difference between the 1 year interest this way and the original $62,500,000 quoted earlier is the effect of compounding it monthly.

how personal loan interest is calculated?

Here's a simplified explanation of how it works: Principal Amount: The principal amount is the initial sum you borrow from the lender. This is the base amount upon which interest is calculated. Interest Rate: The lender specifies an annual interest rate as a percentage. For example, if you have a $10,000 personal loan with an annual interest rate of 5%, the interest rate is 0.05. Time Period: The time period refers to the duration for which you borrow the money, usually expressed in years but sometimes in months. For example, if you have a 3-year loan, the time period is 3. Interest Calculation: To calculate the interest for each period (usually monthly), you multiply the principal amount by the annual interest rate divided by the number of periods in a year. For example: Monthly Interest = (Principal Amount × Annual Interest Rate) / 12 Total Interest Paid: To find the total interest paid over the life of the loan, multiply the monthly interest by the total number of periods (months) in the loan term. For a 3-year loan, this would be 36 months. Total Interest = Monthly Interest × Total Number of Periods Total Repayment Amount: To determine the total amount you'll repay, add the principal amount to the total interest. Total Repayment Amount = Principal Amount + Total Interest

How do you calculate interest of 6 months fixed deposit with the principal of 10000 and the interest rate is 8 percent?

The formula to calculate interest is as follows: Interest = Principal * No. of years * Rate of Interest / 100 So Interest = 10000 * 0.5 * 8 / 100 = 400/- The interest you will receive interest at the end of the 6 month period is Rs. 400/-

What formula determines the interest amount on a loan?

To find the APR which is the true rate of interest charged for a loan, use the following formulawhere APR is the annual percentage rate,i is interest (finance) charge on the loan,P is principal or amount borrowed, andn is number of months of the loan. APR = 72i__________________3P(n + 1) + i(n - 1)

What is the interest on principal of 2.000 borrowed at 17.5 rate for 6 months?

At simple rate of interest, the figure will come out to 174.The formula for simple rate of interest calculations is i=prt where i equals the interest, p equals the principal, r equals the rate and t equals the time (in years).To calculate the interest for compound interest, visit the related link.

Is a simple interest loan calculator simple?

Yes, usually these calculators just allow you to put in the principal amount of the loan, number of months the loan is over, and the interest rate and it helps you figure out your problems.

What interest percentage do you get when opening a Tesco Credit Card account?

Although the percentage varies depending on what card you get, a 16.9 percent interest charge is common when opening a new Tesco Credit Card account. They offer 0% interest on purchases in the first 16 months.

Interest Calculator: Understanding How Interest Works?

At some point in time, you will have to deal with interest. If you have a savings account or a certificate of deposit account, you will be gaining interest. If you have a loan or credit card, you will be paying it. Either way, it is important to understand how interest is figured out. There are two types of interest you should understand. Below is a guide to figuring out simple interest and compound interest. Simple Interest Simple interest is the amount of interest you gain or pay based on a principal balance. The simple interest rate you are given is based on a principal balance. To figure out simple interest, you multiply the principal balance by the interest rate. You then multiply that by the duration. If you want to figure out how much interest you gain after one year, you would use one for the duration. If you want to figure out how much interest you would get after three months, you would use one quarter for the duration. For example, if you have $100 deposited in to a savings account with a 2% interest rate and want to know how much interest you will gain after 6 months, you would set multiply 100 by .02 by .5. That will tell you that you earned $1 of interest after 6 months. Compound Interest Compound interest is similar to simple interest. The difference is that interest is eventually added to the principal. This changes the principal balance after a certain amount of time. The time can vary, but it usually compounds annually. The equation works similarly, except your principal will change. Using the same example above, let's say you want to figure out how much the interest will be after two years. For the first year, your principal would be $100. You would then multiply that by 2%. This means you gain $2 of interest after one year. This then becomes part of the principal. For the second year, you are multiplying $102 by 2%. This means over the course of two years, this means your total interest is $4.04. When calculating interest for credit cards, most companies usually use your average daily balance. Essentially, you would add up your daily balances over the course of a month and then divide that by the number of days in the month. Then, divide your annual interest rate by 365 to get the daily interest rate. Multiply your average daily balance by the daily interest rate. Then, multiply this number by the number of days in the month. That will tell you how much interest you must pay that month.

Why is more interest paid at the beginning of a loan than at the end?

The answer to this question depends on the type of loan. If you are referring to a mortgage, you are paying down your interest first and principal later. Answer: Most loans are made under a simple interest accrual. Assume you borrow $1,000 at 10% for 12 months, at the end of the first 30 days, the interest due is calculated by taking the outstanding principal balance, multiplied by the interest rate, divided by 365 (days in a year) and then multiplied by the number of days since inception of the loan or the last payment. Each month, the first money of a payment is applied to the interest due for that period and the balance is applied to principal, therefore, with every payment, you are paying interest on a declining principal balance, so more goes towards principal and less towards interest. That is why, especially on larger loans, it is very beneficial to not only always pay on time, but to pay extra whenever you can, the extra payment you send in will all be applied to principal.

What is the interest on 6282 earning 9 percent for 9 months?

You want to calculate the interest on $6282 at 9% interest per month after 9 months. The formula we'll use for this is the simple interest formula, or: I = P * r * t Where: P is the principal amount, $6282.00. r is the interest rate, 9% per month, or in decimal form, 9/100=0.09. t is the time involved, 9 months time periods. So, t is 9 month time periods. To find the simple interest, we multiply 6282 × 0.09 × 9 to get that: The interest is: $5088.42 Usually now, the interest is added onto the principal to figure some new amount after 9 months, or 6282.00 + 5088.42 = 11370.42. For example: If you borrowed the $6282.00, you would now owe $11370.42 If you loaned someone $6282.00, you would now be due $11370.42 If owned something, like a $6282.00 bond, it would be worth $11370.42 now.

If i loaned somebody forty thousand dollars they pay me back 500 dollars a month how long will it take them to pay me back?

Eighty months. That's six years, eight months and that's just the principal.

What are the factors influencing equated monthly installment?

1) principal amount to be financed 2) interest rate 3) length of term (36, 48, 60, months etc.)