That depends on the shape. 160 acres is one-forth of a square mile. If the plot of land is a square it will be 1/2 mile on each side, so the perimeter will be 2 miles.
But it could also be 1 mile long and 1/4 mile wide, so the perimeter would be 2 1/2 miles.
The area (acres) doesn't tell the perimeter. If the 2.5 acres is square, than the perimeter is 1,320 feet. If the 2.5 acres is a field that's 100-ft wide and 1,089-ft long, then the perimeter is 2,378 feet. The perimeter can be ANY distance longer than 1,320 feet.
The perimeter is 1,390 meters.
The perimeter of this two-sided shape is 300+160 = 460 units of length.
If the parcel is a square, the perimeter is 1,770 feet.
8,350 feet.
10560 feet = 2 miles.
3,520 yards.
A square with an area of 8 acres has a perimeter of 2,361.29 feet.
160 acres is equivalent to approximately 64.75 hectares.
Answer: 160 acres = 6,969,600 ft²
A square with an area of 20 acres has a perimeter of about 3,733.5 feet.
160 acres = 6969600 sq ft.
160 million acres is 250,000 square miles.
160 acres is 6,969,600 square feet.
160 acres = 647,000 m2
160 acres = 0.25 square miles.
The perimeter of a square with an area of 0.37 acres is: 507.8 feet.