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It is 56.4 units.

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Q: What is the perimeter of 198.81 in a squre?
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What is the perimeter of a squre if S63m?

The perimeter of a square is the sum of its 4 sides

What is a perimeter of a square if its sides are 8 cm long?

Perimetre of squre is 4*(side) and side is 8 cm so perimetre is 4*8=32cm

How many squre meters are on 9000 feet squre?

836.13 square meters.

How many parallel line does a squre have?

A squre has none. A square, on the other hand, has two pairs.

When you subtruct one squre number from another the answer is 7 what is tow squre number?

They are 9 and 16

What is the opist of squre rute?

There are no such words as opist, squre or rute. Please check you spelling and resubmit.

How much faces in a squre parimid?

Assuming that a squre parimid is your way of spelling square pyramid, the answer is 5.

Is 5 a squre number?


What is velue of 10's squre - 10's squre equals?


How many square meters in a square km?

Assuming squre is supposed to be square. How many squre metres in a kilometre? 1,000. Right? The area of a squre is? A x B. Right? So that's 1,000 x 1,000. Right? Which is? 1 million squre metres. Right? It's not rocket science. How old are you? 3!

If the length of a square is 4 centimeters what is the area of the square?

Area of square= side*sideIf you mean by "length of the square" one side of the square, then the area is 16 cm^2 (If you mean by "length of the square" it's perimeter, then you have to get it'a side from that data:Perimeter of squre=4*side -> side = (Perimeter of square)/4 then you get one side and you can calculate the area from that...)

How do you find perimter and area in squre?

Assuming the square is 12 inches by 12 inches. Perimeter is 12 + 12 +12 + 12 = 48 inches (or 12 x 4 = 48inches). The area is 12 x 12 = 144in2 (or 144 sq in).