There's no way of knowing without knowing the shape. 400 acres is 1,936,000 square yards.
A strip of land 2 yards wide and 968,000 yards long would be 400 acres (perimeter 1,936,004 yards)
So would a tract 968 yards wide and 2000 yards long (perimeter 5936 yards)
So would many others. A square would have 1391.4 yards a side, 5565.6 yards in total, roughly 3.2 miles
I don’t know
Assuming a square acreage by US survey, about 16,697 feet.
The area (acres) doesn't tell the perimeter. If the 2.5 acres is square, than the perimeter is 1,320 feet. If the 2.5 acres is a field that's 100-ft wide and 1,089-ft long, then the perimeter is 2,378 feet. The perimeter can be ANY distance longer than 1,320 feet.
The perimeter is 1,390 meters.
If the parcel is a square, the perimeter is 1,770 feet.
I don’t know
Assuming a square acreage by US survey, about 16,697 feet.
A square with an area of 8 acres has a perimeter of 2,361.29 feet.
The number of miles in 400 acres depends on the shape and dimensions of the land. However, if we assume that the land is a perfect square, we can calculate the distance around the perimeter of the square by finding the square root of the total area. In this case, the square root of 400 acres is 20 acres. Therefore, the perimeter of a 400-acre square would be 20 miles.
A square with an area of 20 acres has a perimeter of about 3,733.5 feet.
The perimeter of a square with an area of 0.37 acres is: 507.8 feet.
What is the perimeter of 6 acres in feet?
The area (acres) doesn't tell the perimeter. If the 2.5 acres is square, than the perimeter is 1,320 feet. If the 2.5 acres is a field that's 100-ft wide and 1,089-ft long, then the perimeter is 2,378 feet. The perimeter can be ANY distance longer than 1,320 feet.
The perimeter is 1,390 meters.
88.96 acres.
400 acres is 17,424,000 square feet.
400 acres.