The perimeter of a rectangle is equal to any of the following equations.
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what is the perimeter of the rectangle
There is no reason for the perimeter of a triangle to have any relation to the perimeter of an unrelated rectangle!
Perimeter is Length + width x 2 or Length + length + width + width. This is perimeter for any shape including a rectangle. Perimeter of a rectangle is all sides added together for a rectangle.
perimeter of rectangle=2(l+b) l=length of the rectangle b=breadth of the rectangle
Perimeter of rectangle = 2 x (length + width) = 2 x (1.6 + 0.8) = 2 x 2.4 = 4.8 meters
what is the perimeter of the rectangle
There is no reason for the perimeter of a triangle to have any relation to the perimeter of an unrelated rectangle!
The perimeter of the rectangle is 42 units
The length round a rectangle is the perimeter.
That depends on the dimensions !... A 1 x 18 rectangle has a perimeter of 38 ! A 2 x 9 rectangle has a perimeter of 22 ! A 3 x 6 rectangle has a perimeter of 18 !
The perimeter of a rectangle is not sufficient to determine its length.
The perimeter of the rectangle is the sum of its 4 sides.
perimeter of a rectangle is 20 on each side
the perimeter of a rectangle is calculated by : 2*(l+b)
That depends. The perimeter of a rectangle equals the all the sides added together! The perimeter of a rectangle is the distance around it. The formula for finding the perimeter of a rectangle is: P = 2L + 2W (the length x 2 added to the width x 2). Example: A 5x10 rectangle has a perimeter of 30: (5x2 + 10x2 = 30)
The perimeter of any 2D shape is the sum of all of the individual sides. For example: the perimeter of a rectangle is = length of rectangle (top) + length of rectangle (bottom) + height of rectangle (Left) + height of rectangle (Right)
The perimeter of a rectangle is the sum of its 4 sides.