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Perimeter of square = 4*side length = 4*2.4m = 9.6 metres

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Q: What is the perimeter of a square with a side 2.4m in length?
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What is the area of a square with a perimeter of 24m?

A square has four sides of equal length. If the total of all four sides is 24m then each side must measure 6m. There area is therefore 6m x 6m which equals 36 square metres.

The yard's length is 2 meters and the perimeter is 24 meters find the width?

Assuming the yard is rectangular then the following applies: The perimeter of a rectangle is the distance around the outside of the rectangle. A rectangle has four sides with opposite sides being congruent. The formula for finding the perimeter is Side A + Side B + Side A + Side B. This could also be stated as 2xSide A + 2xSide B or 2x(Side A + Side B) Side A =2m, p = 24m, therefore: 2x2m + 2xside B = 24m Side B = (24-4) ÷ 2 = 10m

How do you find the area of a rectangle in square meters?

length x width Example: A rectangle has a length of 24m and a width of 48m. What is its area? l x w= 24m(length) x 48m(width/breadth) = 1152m2 (meters squared)

How long is 24m?

24m is equal to 24 meters in length.

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What is the breadth of this shape it has the perimetre of 24m and the length is 7m?

5m Check: 5+5+7+7 = 24m

What is the perimeter of 3m and 8m?

If you mean an area measuring 3m x 8m, the answer is 22m !

What is the primeter of 9m 3m?

If they are the dimensions of a rectangle then the perimeter is: 9+3+9+3 = 24m

What is 8 meters by 4 meters?

You would have a rectangle with surface area of 32m2 and perimeter of 24m.

The perimeter of a rectangle is 116m the lenght is 10m more than twice the width what are the dimensions?

24m x 34m

4 x 6 mtr how many square meters?
