The period of ten years is called a decade. A decade consists of ten consecutive years, typically numbered from a specific starting point. This term is commonly used in various contexts such as history, economics, and Demographics to refer to a specific timeframe of ten years.
'Deca' is '10' in Latin. More specifically, 'Decade' means a period of ten years'.
a five-year period is a quinquennium
87648 hours, or 87672 depending on if there are 2 or 3 leap years during the period of time.
5 years are called a quinquennium
a silver jubilee
A period of ten years is a decade.
A period of ten years is called a decade. Sometimes a decade is used more specifically, to refer to a ten-year period that starts with a year that ends in zero. For example, "the sixties" or "the 1960s" refers to the years 1960-1969.
A period of ten thousand years is called a decamillennium. The prefix "deca-" denotes ten, and "millennium" refers to a period of one thousand years. Therefore, a decamillennium is a unit of time equal to ten millennia or ten thousand years.
a decade is a period of ten years, while a century is a period of 100 years.
A ten year period is a decade.
A period lasting ten years, or any ten year period.
The minimum period is two years and can be as long as ten years.
Ten years, Decennium, Ten-year period, Ten-year span, these are synonyms of decade.
It's called a decade.