if the number is 1362 the place value is hundreds.
Place value of 4 is 1 (one) Place value of 6 is 10 (ten) Place value of 7 is 100 (hundred) Place value of 3 is 1000 (thousand) Place value of 9 is 10000 (ten thousand)
the value of the underlined digit of 153 is Place of 3 = unit (1), Place of 5 = 10th and Place of 1 = 100th.
if the number is 1362 the place value is hundreds.
1/3 of 1,086 is 362.
Place value of 4 is 1 (one) Place value of 6 is 10 (ten) Place value of 7 is 100 (hundred) Place value of 3 is 1000 (thousand) Place value of 9 is 10000 (ten thousand)
The value of 3 in 236,157 is 30,000.If the topic is about place value then,Ten-thousands is the place value of 3.Definition of Place Value: Place value is the value given to the place or position of a digit in a number.Note:7 – Units place5 – Tens place.1 – Hundreds place.6 – Thousands place.2 – Hundred thousands.Source: www.icoachmath.com
The value of a digit: In 12,345 , the value of the digit 5 is 5 and the value of the digit 1 is 10,000. Place value: In 13,563 ,the place value of the digit 3 is thousands and the place value of the digit 6 is tens. The value of a digit is its value, as in 0-9 The place value of a digit is its value multiplied by its place (column) value which is dependant upon where it is in the number. In the units column, the place value is 1 In the tens column, it is 10 in the hundreds column it is 100 in the tenths column it is 1/10 So in 123.4: The digit 1 has value 1, but place value 1 x 100 = 100 (one hundred) since it is in the hundreds column The digit 2 has value 2, but place value 2 x 10 = 20 (twenty) since it is in the tens column The digit 3 has value 3, but place value 3 x 1 = 3 (three) since it is in the units column - in this case (only), its value and place value are the same. The digit 4 has value 4, but place value 4 x 1/10 = 4/10 (four tenths) since it is in the tenths column.
Multiply the number 3 times its place value. 1/10, 1/100, 1/1000, 1/10000 3x1/10=3/10
the value of the underlined digit of 153 is Place of 3 = unit (1), Place of 5 = 10th and Place of 1 = 100th.
As a mixed number it is: 3 and 21/100.--------------------The number "3.21" has no place value as such. If you ask, "What is the place value of the "2" in 3.21?", then the answer is "tenths".
Break each place value into it's own group. So, you get: 3+4=7. That is your final ones place value 2+3=5. That is your final tens place value 1+2=3. That is your final hundreds place value. Now put them to together and you get 357.