That depends which digit you wish to find the place value of. In this instance, 582 is equal to five hundreds, eight tens, and two units.
Looking at the "symbol" 2 looks like 2, but if you consider the place value of digits in a number, 2 in 582 has a value of 2, whereas 2 in 528 has a value of 20
In the decimal number system, the place value of 5 depends on its position in the number. If 5 is in the ones place, its value is 5. If 5 is in the tens place, its value is 50. If 5 is in the hundreds place, its value is 500, and so on. Each position to the left represents a value that is 10 times greater than the position to its right.
The 5 has a value of 500 as it is in the hundreds place.
That depends which digit you wish to find the place value of. In this instance, 582 is equal to five hundreds, eight tens, and two units.
Looking at the "symbol" 2 looks like 2, but if you consider the place value of digits in a number, 2 in 582 has a value of 2, whereas 2 in 528 has a value of 20
If I understand the question correctly, it is 0.1 + 0.02 + 0.006 + 0.0005 + 0.00008 + 0.000002
In the decimal number system, the place value of 5 depends on its position in the number. If 5 is in the ones place, its value is 5. If 5 is in the tens place, its value is 50. If 5 is in the hundreds place, its value is 500, and so on. Each position to the left represents a value that is 10 times greater than the position to its right.
the value and place value of 2 in 25 is tens and 20. the value and place value of 5 in 25 is units/ones and 5.
The face value is 5, the place value is units.
The 5 has a value of 500 as it is in the hundreds place.