Deci is Latin for "ten", Centi is Latin for "hundred"
You times the measurement in centi by ten or divide an measurement in milli by ten to get a centi answer, for example 42cm = 420 mm 27cl = 270ml
Yes, ten times bigger
none but ten milli's go in one centi
2.5 centimeters / 10 (deci is ten, centi is one hundred) = 0.025 decimeters
"centi."Centi- as in centimetre, centilitre, even century.
Yes; 10 as a power of ten is 101.
The prefix is centi-
No, it is not the same. Ten cubed is ten to the third power or 10x10x10 or 1000. Ten to the second power is 10x10 or 100.
these abbreviations are used to define a quantity; killo means multiply by a thousand; x 1000 , milli tends to be divide by a thousand ; / 1000. centi means a factor of ten , eg a centimeter is a tenth of a meter .