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When you combine any two numbers in a set the result is also in that set.

e.g. The set of whole numbers is closed with respect to addition, subtraction and multiplication. i.e. when you add, subtract or multiply two numbers the answer will always be a whole number.

But the set of whole numbers is NOT closed with respect to division as the answer is not always a whole number e.g. 7÷5=1.4 The answer is not a whole number.

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The answer depends on the context. Sets (or intervals) can be open or closed, or semi-open. In a different context, sets can be closed (or not) with respect to some operation (addition, division, something else) defined on element of the set. Without that context, it is not possible to answer the question.

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Q: What is the principle of closure math?
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In the context of sets, closure implies that the limiting value of the extremum of the set is itself an element of the set.

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I=prt Switch the principle with the interest. Then work the equation out.

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Math is not local, it is universal. Your question is incoherent.

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The sum or product of two real numbers is a uniquereal number, like 2+3 is always 5... ;~}

When will you ever use closure part of math in life?

You use it all the time, without thinking about it: if you do an addition or multiplication, you assume that there is a solution.