can a single jump over a double in checkers/draughts
The objective of checkers is to get as many kings as possible and try to defeat the opponent. You want the opponent to have zero checkers and you have more than zero.
Technically, this is impossible as two checkers will always lie in a row. However, how about like this: ................... . @ ............. ..@ @ ......... ..@ ... @ ..... ..@ @ @ @ . ................... (@ = checker) (. = table top, used to ensure picture stays as designed)
A checker is promoted to a king when it moves to the other end of the board. A king is usually distinguished from the other pieces by stacking two checkers. As per international rules, a king can travel any number of squares in a diagonal.
It depends. There are 24 checkers and 64 squares on the board, including the red squares. 24/64 = 37.5%. 100 - 37.5 = 72.5%. However, if you mean just the black squares there are 32 available squares. 24/32 = 75%. 100 - 75 = 25%
There are 9+6 = 15 checkers in the bag. 6 of them are red. 6 out of 15 are red. Drawing a red checker has a probability of P = 6/15 = 2/5 = 0.4 = 40% Since you replace the checker, the probability Q that red is drawn again remains 0.4. The probability of both events occurring (red drawn twice) equals the product of probabilities, PQ = (0.4)*(0.4) = 0.16.
No. The game of checkers dates back to the 12th century.
a checker is one of the pieces in a game of checkers (: or it is a square in a pattern of a bunch of squares (:
Checkers is used on a chess board, but the game chess does not use checkers.
At the beginning of the game, there are 40 spaces that don't have checkers on them.
can a single jump over a double in checkers/draughts
Placing a checker on top of the checker being "kinged" is what it takes to turn an ordinary checker piece into a king. One piece represents the ordinary playing piece. One piece on top of another represents the king.
A checkers move is any one square diagonal move of a checker piece. Hope this helps.
Yes. Any checker can jump over another one that is a single space diagonally away. If the opponent leaves a King open to capture like that, go for it.
2 chess + checkers
If you can't move a checker that player most say pass