Well, darling, the product of 642 and 73 is 46,866. So, there you have it! Math doesn't have to be a headache, just a sassy little calculation.
642 multiplied by 9 is 5,778.
A product is the result of multiplying. So the product of 56 and 73 is as follows: 56 x 73 = 4088
No. The product of 36 and 73 is 2,628. That's not 280.
73 multiplied by 24 is 1,752.
645 multiplied by 73 is 47,085.
Their product.
4x + 9 = 73 4x = 64 x = 16
73 is 9 more than the product of 4 and 16
The answer is 4494. Simply add the numbers together like you would for two plus two. To check your work, a calculator is the best option.