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Alpha particle.

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Q: What is the product of radioactive decay 4 2 He called?
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Is it true that a stable radioactive isotope called the parent will decay and form daughter products?

1. All the radioactive isotopes are unstable ! 2. Yes, it is true, the parent isotope (radioactive and unstable) decay and form daughter products.

What are the properties of radioactive decay?

Radioactive decay has the following properties: 1. No element can completely decay. 2. The number of atoms decaying in a particular period is proportional to the number of atoms present in the beginning of that period. 3. Estimate of radioactive decay can be made by half life and decay constant of a radioactive element.

What is the radioactive decay of an atom resulting in the decrease in the atomic number with no charge in the atomic mass called?

It is called beta decay. there are two types: 1) posive beta decay in which atomic number decreases. 2) negative beta decay in which atomic number increases.

What decays first duriing radioactive decay?

No, radioactive decay is not a chemical reaction. Radioactive decay is a type of change in the nucleus of an atom that results from instability in that nucleus. And that is a nuclear reaction rather than a chemical one.

Is nuclear fusion used to describe the rate of a radioactive isotopes decay?

No. Nuclear fusion is the process by which 4 hydrogen atoms are fused into a single helium atom, releasing huge amounts of energy. This is the process that powers our sun. Radioactive decay of isotopes is described by the concept of the half life. The half life of an isotope is the time it takes for 1/2 of a sample of that isotope to decay into a daughter product.

What are two types of radioactive decay?

The two types of radioactive decay are alpha and beta. Generally, in alpha decay the nucleus will lose 2 protons and 2 neutrons (it's a helium nucleus). Beta decay involves a neutron losing an electron and becoming a proton, so the atomic mass remains the same, but the atomic number increases by one since there is another proton.

What happens to an atom that experiences radioactive decay?

It loses mass.

Is the half-life of a chemical element one-half of the amount of a radioactive element to decay?

The half-life is the time that it takes for 1/2 of a material to decay.

What is a by product of radioactive decay?

The 3 things that can happen during radioactive decay is the 3 parts of decay: Alpha decay, Beta decay, and Gamma decay. In alpha decay, which is the weakest part of decay, it has a positive helium neuclus(2 protons and 2 neutrons), and the particles will burn your skin, but can be easily stopped by a peice of paper. This is the most ionising as the helium nucleus can take electrons from other atoms and make them unstable. This can give rise to cancers as it distorts cells. In Beta decay (an electron or a positron) is emitted. In the case of electron emission, it is referred to as "beta minus" (β−). It can be stopped by 3mm of aluminum. Gamma decay, which is the strongest, can only be stopped by 3cm of lead. It has electromagnetic waves, it contains the most energy, and therefore is the most penetrating, but normally it just passes straight through the human body. Radioactive decay can be very harmful, and its best to stay away. This question has been anwsered by Rae-Ann Salisbury.

What happens to radioactive isotopes during radioactive decay?

That depends on the specific radioisotope. For instance, uranium 238 emits an alpha particle during radioactive decay, reducing the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus by 2 each and producing thorium 234. On the other hand, carbon 14 emits a beta particle (an electron) during radioactive decay, decreasing the number of neutrons and increasing the number of protons by 1 each and producing nitrogen 14. There are quite a few other examples with different changes depending on the type of radioactive decay.

What is lost in an atom as a result of radioactive decay What equations relates this loss to energy produced?

Alpha decay is the loss of 2 protons and 2 neutrons Beta-decay is the loss of a positron or electron Gamma decay is the loss of a photon The equation relates this loss to energy produced E=mc^2

What is radioactivity types of radioactivity?

Radioactive decay has nothing to do with chemistry and therefore may not be a chemical reaction. But since matter changes its properties (they are even irreversibly) it is considered to be reaction of one (elemental) reactant. Most decay reactions are kinetically of zero order.Different types of radioactive decay include decay by alpha emission (emits an alpha particle, 2 protons and 2 neutrons), Beta - emission, and Beta + emission (positron emission or electron capture).Some radioactive materials also output gamma rays, protons, neutrons, and can decay by fission.