When subtracting or adding fractions the denominators must be the same if they are not then the LCM must be found.
Least common multiples 12 and 16 is 48.
The least common multiples of 7 and 14 are 14,28 and 42>
The least common multiples of the number 6 and 9 is 3.
90 is the least common multiple of 9 and 10
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 210 330 is 2310.
They are all multiples.
Least common multiples 12 and 16 is 48.
The least common multiples of 7 and 14 are 14,28 and 42>
The least common multiples of the number 6 and 9 is 3.
The least common multiples of 5, 11, and 13 is 715.
There is no "most common multiple". To find all common multiples, you start by finding the least common multiple. All other common multiples are multiples of this least common multiple.
3 Least Common Multiples of 12 and 35 are 420, 420 and 420.There is ONLY one Least Common Multiple.The three common multiples of 12 and 35 which are the smallest are the first three multiples of their Least Common Multiple, namely 420, 840 and 1260
You need at least two numbers to compare multiples.
It is 12 and its multiples.
The common multiples of 9 and 16 are 144, 288, 432 and so on.
Those are known as "common multiples". The smallest POSITIVE of these common multiples is called the "least common multiple".
Use some method which you probably already learned, to find the least common multiple. All the other common multiples are multiples of this least common multiple, so you can multiply the least common multiple by 2, by 3, by 4, etc., to get additional common multiples.