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Q: What is the radius of a circle that has a diameter of 150 feet?
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What is the diameter of a circle with a radius of 150 millimeters?

300 mm

How big is a circle to be 150 Sq ft?

'How Big???? ' Do you mean , circumference, radius, or diamter. For 150 sq.ft. Then A = 150 sq.ft. = pi r^(2) Algebraically rearrange r^(2) = 150 sq.ft. /pi ( 3.141592....) r^(2) = 47.74648293 sq.ft. r = sqrt( 47.74648293... sq.ft) r = 6.909882989... ft. ~ 8.9 ft. Hence diameter = 2 x 6.909882989... = 13.81976596... ft. ~ 13.8 ft. Circumference = pi X 13.81976596... = 43.41607527.... ft. = 43.4 ft.

What is the radius of 150 acre circle?

439.6 metres (1442.2 feet).

What is the circumference of a 150 feet circle?

c=pi*diameter if the length given in the question spans the whole circle, d=150. so the circumference if 150pi feet or 471.238898 feet

What is the radius of a 150 cm circle?

If a circle has a circumference of 150 cm, its radius is 150/(2*pi) = 23.87 cm (approx)

How many square feet a 150 foot diameter circle?

There are: pi*75 squared = 5625*pi square feet

How many acres in a 300 yard diameter circle?

if circle diameter is 300, then its radius r is 150 (half the diameter)and the area isπr2 = 2250πwhich is approx 2250*3.14 = 7065 square yards (don't forget the "square")

If the circumference of a circle is 471 the diameter is?


That id the tire's radius if circumference of tire is 150 inches?

C = pi * diameter Diameter = C / pi Diameter = 150 / 3.14 Diameter = 47.7 inches

What is the radius if its diameter is 3m?

1.5 m or 150 cm

Find the radius of a circle that has a circumference of 942 meters?


What is the radius of a circle that has a circumference of 942 meters?

radius = 942/(2*pi) = 149.9239564 or about 150 meters