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Q: What is the radius of a circle with a area of 144?
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How do you find the radius of circle with area 144pi?

Equation for the area circle = pi x radius squared If the area is 144pi, then you need to find the square root of 144, which is 12. Therefore, radius = 12

What is the radius of a circle that has area of 144 square inches?

The formula for the area of a circle: A = πr2. 144= πr2 --> 12=πr --> 12/π = r

What is the exact area of a circle with a radius of 12 feet?

The area of a circle is equal to pi times the radius squared. A 12 foot radius circle would have an area of exactly 144 pi square feet.

What is the Area of a circle when the radius is 12?

Area of a circle is pi x r2 Area of a circle having a a radius of 12 units = 3.1416 x 144 units2 = 452.389 units2

If equation of a circle is x2 y2 144. What is the radius of the circle?

If you mean x^2 +y^2 = 144 then the radius of the circle is 12 units

How do you solve the area of a circle and the diameter of 24?

Area of a circle = (pi) (radius)2 Radius = 1/2 (diameter) = 12. Area = (pi) (12)2 = 144 pi = 452.389 square units (rounded)

What is the area of a circle with a radius of 12ft?

Using 3.14 as Pi the area of circle is: 452.15999999999997

What is the area of a cirlce where the radius is 12 in?

Area of a circle = pi*r2 Area = pi(12 in)2 ( 144 * pi ) = 452 in2 =======

What is the square footage of a 23 Inch circle?

Area of circle = pi x r x r where r is the radius. You do not specify if 23 inch is the diameter or radius of the circle. Anyway pi = 3.1415 so plug in the value of the radius in the formula above and you will get the area in square inches. Then divide that by 144 to get area in square feet.

What is one quarter of the area of the circle if the radius is 12?

It is: 1/4*pi*144 = 36*pi square units

What is the diameter of a 72 foot radius circle?

144 ft.That would be twice the radius.

What is the area of the major arc in the circle when the radius 12 and the central angle 100 degrees?

The area of a circle of radius 12 is 144 pi; the part of the circle defined by such an arc (the arc itself, of course, has an area of 0) is 100/360 of that, which simplifies to 40 pi. To 3 significant digits, that is 126.