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Q: What is the rate constant of a reaction if rate 1.5 mol L s A is 1 M B is 3 M m 2 and n 1?
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What is the unit for the gas constant?

R = 8.314472(15) J K−1 mol−1

What is the amount of fissionable material required to continue a reaction at a constant rate?

The amount of fissionable material required to sustain a nuclear reaction at a constant rate is determined by the material's critical mass. The critical mass is the minimum amount of fissionable material needed to sustain a chain reaction, and it varies depending on the material and the reactor design. By controlling factors such as neutron moderation and absorption, reactor operators can adjust the critical mass to maintain a steady reaction rate.

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There are 15 moles of ammonia sulfate in the reaction of 30.0 mol of NH3. This goes from the formula 2 NH3 H2so take away (NH4)2So4.

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Kyle is travelling at a constant rate of 15 MILES PER HOUR! In 30 minutes , which is half of an hour, kyle would have travelled half of the 15 miles. So kyle's done 7.5 miles. Kim is travelling at a constant rate of 18 MILES PER HOUR! Now she travels 18 miles in 60 mins ....but in fact we want the time taken for her to travel 7.5 miles... I think you know what to do now :P ?

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To completely combust benzene (C6H6), 15 moles of oxygen are used for every 1 mole of benzene. This reaction produces 6 moles of carbon dioxide for every 1 mole of benzene. Therefore, 0.4000 mol of carbon dioxide would require (0.4000 mol)(1 mol C6H6/6 mol CO2)(15 mol O2/1 mol C6H6) = 1.5 moles of benzene to be combusted.

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36 minutes if going at a constant rate. distance divided by rate (speed)=time it will take to travel.

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one hour and 15 min! i think :)

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Leo Mol was born on January 15, 1915, in Poland, Russian Empire [now Ukraine].

How much hydrogen would be required to produce 7.5 mol of water?

To produce 1 mol of water, 2 mol of hydrogen is needed. Therefore, to produce 7.5 mol of water, you would need 15 mol of hydrogen.

What is the molecular weight 2-ethyl-1-butanol?

CH3CH2CH2(CH2CH3)CH2OH 6 Carbons @ 12.01g/mol each = 72.06g/mol 15 Hydrogens @ 1.01g/mol each = 15.15g/mol 1 Oxygen @ 16.00g/mol = 16.00g/mol Add them up and that's your mass.

What is the difference between universal gas constant and characteristic gas constant?

The Universal gas constant is R is independent of the gas taken.. While the Characteristic gas constant depends on the mol. mass of the gas.... The Characteristic gas constant of a gas or a mixture of gases is given by the molar gas constant, divided by the molar mass (M) of the gas/mixture. R(Characteristic) = {R}/{M} Well,this is just the basic...u can relate them both to the Boltzmann constant.. Here are some of the standard values for both: Values of R Units 8.314 472(15) J K−1 mol−1 0.082057 46(14) L atm K−1 mol−1 RChar for dry air Units 287.058 J kg−1 K−1 ok,i guess this is it!Hope this clears it...

Initial rate for blood transfusion?

Initial Rate of transfusion is dictated by hospital policy but on average 30 cc / hr for 15 to 30 minutes. if no reaction, you can infuse at desired speed per MD orders