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Divide by 60, so 60 seconds turns out to be 1 minute.

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Q: What is the ratio in converting seconds to minutes?
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What ratio for converting seconds to minutes?

divide the seconds by 60.

In converting 480 seconds to minutes what unit would you place in the denominator of your ratio?


In converting 480 seconds to minutes what unit ( omit the number ) would you place in the denominator of your ratio?

You would use seconds.

Choose the correct ratio for converting seconds to minutes?

60seconds/1minute 1min./60sec

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To convert 250 seconds into minutes, which ratio could you multiply by?

In converting 105 seconds to minutes?

1¾ min

In converting 11 minutes to seconds what unit omit the number would you place in the denominator of your ratio Use the plural form in your answer. Remember that there are 60 seconds in a minute?

The units in the denominator are minutes. Also, since you are asked to omit the number in the answer, the fact that there are 60 seconds in a minute is irrelevant.

What is the ratio of 90 seconds 3 minutes?

90 seconds = 1.5 minutes. So the ratio is 1.5 : 3 or 1:2

In converting 480 seconds to hours what unit omit the number would you place in the denominator of your ratio?


Ask us anythingn converting 11 minutes to seconds what unit (omit the number) would you place in the denominator of your ratio Use the plural form in your answer. Remember that there are 60 seconds in?

The units for the denominator is minutes. Also, since the number in the denominator is to be omitted, the number of seconds (in a minute) are totally irrelevant.

What ratio is 5.25 minutes to seconds?

5.25 minutes to seconds = 5.25 to 315 (5.25 : 315).

In converting 480 seconds to minutes what unit omit the number would you place in the denominator of your ratio?

seconds per minute (secs.min^-1)(secs/min). 480 secs ------------------ = 8 mins 60 secs/min